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The Company is committed to creating long term value for all stakeholders in an environmentally and socially responsible manner, while consistently exhibiting strong economic performance.
To ensure sustainable value creation, it is essential for the Company to establish long-term relationships with all its stakeholders and leverage these connections to promote sustainable practices and inclusive development. Accordingly, the Company has developed policies and mechanisms to enhance customer satisfaction, protect customer health and safety, and support sustainable practices within its supply chain. The Company aims to maximise returns for its lenders and shareholders, focusing on two key financial parameters: Return on Capital Employed and Free Cash Flow. Prism Johnson maintains an optimal capital structure, balancing debt and equity to create shareholder value.
Economic Performance Economic Performance
Prism Johnson witnessed a 5.3% growth in standalone revenues, reaching ₹ 7069 Crores in 2023-24. This growth was led by growth in Cement and RMC divisions. EBITDA margin grew by 50 basis points to 6.4%, mainly due to reduction in power & fuel costs. EBITDA increased by 15.5% to ₹ 455 Crores and net profit after tax stood at ₹ 190 Crores.

FY24 Revenue from operations
₹ 7069 Crores

₹ 455 Crores

Customer Relations Customer Relations
The Company understands that to remain competitive it must routinely engage with customers and potential customers to understand their needs and expectations. The Company engages in extensive business development activities to target potential customers. The sales and marketing department interacts with customers through post marketing audits and customer satisfaction surveys. This enables the Company to monitor service quality, enhance service delivery processes, help unravel the causes of customer dissatisfaction if any. All these insights help create an opportunity for internal actions to enhance customer experience.

CSI – Prism Cement

CSI – Prism RMC

NPS – Prism RMC

Customer Grievance

Redressal 2023-24

Number of complaints received

Number of complaints resolved

Incidents of noncompliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services in 2023-24

Incidents resulting in fines/penalty

Incidents resulting in warning

Supplier Sustainability Supplier Sustainability

As a responsible business, Prism Johnson Limited is committed to working with its value chain partners to foster ethical and sustainable practices in its supply chain. To this end, the Company has developed a Supply Chain Sustainability Framework to ensure that its suppliers and value chain partners are aligned with the Company’s Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy and goals. The Executive Management of the Company has oversight of the implementation of the supplier ESG program.

Supplier Code of Conduct

The Company’s Supplier Code of Conduct stipulates ESG practices and regulations pertaining to Business Ethics, Environmental Standards and Labour and Human Rights, that its Suppliers are required to communicate their acknowledgement of the Code of Conduct to the Company.

Critical Supplier Identification

The Company aims to collaborate with all its key/critical suppliers to address ESG risks in its value chain. As a part of its larger supply chain sustainability strategy, the Company first aims to work with its critical suppliers which are significant from a spend, volume and criticality for business standpoint. In 2023-24, the Company was engaged with its top suppliers that account for 51% of total raw material procurement (value terms). Around 82% of the Company’s Critical Suppliers have acknowledged the Supplier Code of Conduct.
The Company’s assessment framework consists of two components:
  • Pre-onboarding screening
  • Post-onboarding assessment

Supplier Assessment

Post the screening process and vendor onboarding, suppliers (critical suppliers) are required to complete the supplier assessment questionnaire, which aims to identify potential high-impact ESG risks within the supply chain. The questionnaire assesses suppliers on various ESG aspects that are derived from nationally and internationally recognized frameworks and are relevant for the building materials industry. Suppliers are required to provide supporting evidence to substantiate their responses. This evidence is then reviewed and verified to score the performance of each supplier. The Company plans to provide ESG training / capacity-building sessions to its suppliers to offer them insights into ESG risks and outline corrective action plans that they can implement. As a starting point, the assessment framework is being leveraged to assess the performance of key critical suppliers across all three business divisions.

Local Procurement in 2023-24

Prism Cement
Approx. 65% of total raw materials was procured locally

H & R Johnson
Nearly 59% of raw materials procured locally

Prism RMC
Around 81% of raw materials were sourced locally

Sustainability Approach Overview
Safeguarding the environment
Employee wellbeing and growth
Supporting Communities